Eventdirektor & chairman
Wolfgang Fuchs
The Kitzbühel Triathlon is organised by the Kitzbühel Triathlon Club, under the direction of club chairman Wolfgang Fuchs and race director Roman Swidrak, and in close cooperation with Kitzbühel Tourism Board, the City of Kitzbühel and many volunteers. A team of around 12 LOC members is responsible for the Kitzbühel Triathlon.
Wolfgang Fuchs
Marilena Swidrak & Roman Swidrak
Viktoria Jöchl
Peggo Jöchl
Florian Klingler
Aaron Swidrak
Julia Fuchs
Alexander Pfurtscheller
Manfred Bachmann
Simona Erber & Mona Ritter
Burgi Berger
Dietmar Köhler